

KEVIN CHAN /// Tape Manipulation
Atmospheres created via manipulation of cassette tapes and playback devices.
Alternating between abstract ambience and recognisable, distortion-drenched tape loops.

JUSTIN DOLBY /// The Doom Machine
Inaugural performance of Justin's Max/MSP instrument
which blends randomly selected samples into an indeterminate dark ambient doomscape.

DANIEL LINN /// Loops and Textures
Mellifluous sonic landscapes generated with electric guitar, amp and pedals.

GEORGIO ONIANI /// Improvisation

STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER STAMPER /// Data Sedimentation and Sonic Archaeology
"The pick was [then] used to hammer on the surface, and by this means, the angle ditch was discovered. The sound produced by hammering on an excavated part is much deeper than on an undisturbed surface, a circumstance worth knowing when exploring a grass-grown downland, though not applicable to cultivated ground." Augustus Pitt-Rivers, 1895 (with apologies to Martin Howse).